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Non-Emergency Dispatch: 302-573-2800
History of the Police Department

The Middletown Police Department was officially established on July 2, 2007, following the approval of Mayor Kenneth Branner and the Town Council to allocate a budget for the formation of the department. The first individual hired was Chief Henry Tobin, who spearheaded the initial efforts.

The department commenced operation on October 31, 2007, starting with a team of 20 officers recruited from various law enforcement agencies throughout the state of Delaware and surrounding areas. The initial workforce collaborated diligently to provide police services within just 90 days, with support from the Delaware law enforcement community.

In March 2008, the Middletown Police Department began construction on its current 20,000 square-foot state of the art facility. This facility was completed and opened to the public February 28, 2009.

The department is located at 130 Hampden Rd, Middletown, DE 19709